Monday, February 6, 2012

Back on the Road Again

Feeling good after a run - the first of the season. Admitting to having been a lapsed runner for many months, and I think I've made a breakthrough. Yay!
These shoes were made for running.......

Under the watchful eye of my doggie-friend.

Seems like winter is on the wane, but I think there will be more snow to come - it's only February.
Returning home - the road travelled. Thankfully no ice to trip up this senior citizen! 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Running

A very unusual winter for us in Eastern Ontario. We have not had a real snowfall since December, hence our country road is in great shape for running. No worries about slipping on ice so far this winter. The last few weeks have been sunny, too, so I've had no excuses for not getting out nearly every day. I'm still being cautious about overdoing it, but for the first time today, my legs felt like they were actually running and not just plodding along.

I have another doggie-friend who greets me as I go by, and the horses seem to be enjoying our unusual weather also.

I decided, as I was enjoying my run today, that I will do the 10 Km MS Walk/Run this May in Belleville. I got discouraged last year and bailed, not because I wasn't up to the running part, but because it was very hard to convince folks to make even a small donation to MS. The poor economy really had a negative impact on this sort of activity, I think. Hopefully the economy will rebound somewhat in 2010.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Running in Central Canada

Just a short note today - it's -20 something with the wind chill, and I'm going out to run. The sun is shining, so why not? My inspiration is this Globe and Mail article re:winter running; so pertinent to our Canadian winters.

Globe and Mail-Winter Running

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Running On

We are lucky to be having the weather-gods/godesses on our side for the past 3 weeks. Things will change soon, I know, but meanwhile I can't help but feel empowered to run when it is so pleasant outside. No whining today from me. I think I'm over the "return to running crunch", and the ol' bod is doing its best to keep me happy and relatively pain free. The 3/2 run/walk intervals are working well, and I've promised myself not to jump ahead for another 2 weeks or more. Why spoil the fun?

It will be awesome to see this tree once everything around is grey and snowy. I have some images floating around my head for a painting or two - we'll see. Go run.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today I Wimped Out

I confess. I did not run today. Even the cats did not want to go out today. It was only about 8 degrees C, with a breeze - I can handle that. But I wimped out. In fact, I whined all day. I know, I know, it wasn't sunny and nippy like last week: beautiful days that saw me trotting along like my new, giddy horse-friends in the pasture, gazing across to the lake.

Just as soon as the greyness, and pelting rain, and wind came along, I folded. I grabbed by blanky and my tea and knitting and headed for the sofa. Not that I didn't enjoy every moment. Except....somehow I kept hearing a little voice nagging at me: "Why aren't you running, give me one good reason?" Hard as I tried, I couldn't. That guilt trip led me to research some running sites and I came across 'the Penguin' from Chicago with some advice for running in winter. Well, I just about fell down laughing when he talked about how to dress for 35 or 50 degree weather (that's F, folks, not C). When things get really rough here in central Canada, we're talking perhaps minus 35 C (with wind chill). Now that's winter running weather. So I guess if I take his advice and multiply it by 5, I'll be warm and ready for winter running. Thanks Penguin. I promise I won't wimp out again. You can see the Penguin's posts at the penguin.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

April in November?

The air smells sweet, the breeze is nippy, birds are chirping. Is this April or November? Did I hibernate through winter? Or is Mother Nature playing head games with me? I've been thinking about some winter running strategies, and so far, that's all I've had to do. But not to worry, I'm certain we'll be knee deep in snow before we know it, and I'll be trying to avoid slipping on an icy patch, or tripping over solid, snowy chunks.

In the meantime, running is a joy - and I intend to keep it that way by sticking to my plan: 3/2 intervals for a month. Who needs aching muscles? Not this old crone.

The pansies in our garden even think it's spring. BTW, today is sunny, with a high of 18 C in Cahors, France, one of our favourite places. Mmmmm.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Easy Does It

Lesson learned: "Remind yourself, Barbara, that you are older, and need to advance slowly after a layoff." Until yesterday my legs felt like they needed to be rolled between giant rollers and massaged back to normalcy. Remember the film Les Triplets de Belleville? My legs felt like the hero's legs, except I hadn't cycled the Tour de France, I had merely run 4 km. Today's run was a sensible 4 km run, at a very sensible 3 min. run, 2 min. walk interval. I think I've found the interval that I'm ready for at this point in training. I'll know better when I try to get out of bed in the morning. As I said: Lesson learned.

Still a great day weather-wise, although cooler and overcast. I've been looking for our pileated woodpecker along the way, but he has been somewhat of a stranger this year. He's left his markings, though, from previous visits.