I confess. I did not run today. Even the cats did not want to go out today. It was only about 8 degrees C, with a breeze - I can handle that. But I wimped out. In fact, I whined all day. I know, I know, it wasn't sunny and nippy like last week: beautiful days that saw me trotting along like my new, giddy horse-friends in the pasture, gazing across to the lake.

Just as soon as the greyness, and pelting rain, and wind came along, I folded. I grabbed by blanky and my tea and knitting and headed for the sofa. Not that I didn't enjoy every moment. Except....somehow I kept hearing a little voice nagging at me: "Why aren't you running, give me one
good reason?" Hard as I tried, I couldn't. That guilt trip led me to research some running sites and I came across 'the Penguin' from Chicago with some advice for running in winter. Well, I just about fell down laughing when he talked about how to dress for 35 or 50 degree weather (that's F, folks, not C). When things get really rough here in central Canada, we're talking perhaps minus 35 C (with wind chill). Now that's winter running weather. So I guess if I take his advice and multiply it by 5, I'll be warm and ready for winter running. Thanks Penguin. I promise I won't wimp out again. You can see the Penguin's posts at the