Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Running

A very unusual winter for us in Eastern Ontario. We have not had a real snowfall since December, hence our country road is in great shape for running. No worries about slipping on ice so far this winter. The last few weeks have been sunny, too, so I've had no excuses for not getting out nearly every day. I'm still being cautious about overdoing it, but for the first time today, my legs felt like they were actually running and not just plodding along.

I have another doggie-friend who greets me as I go by, and the horses seem to be enjoying our unusual weather also.

I decided, as I was enjoying my run today, that I will do the 10 Km MS Walk/Run this May in Belleville. I got discouraged last year and bailed, not because I wasn't up to the running part, but because it was very hard to convince folks to make even a small donation to MS. The poor economy really had a negative impact on this sort of activity, I think. Hopefully the economy will rebound somewhat in 2010.